The Wretched of Today – A Discussion Series on Current Events in Afghanistan, Palestine and Bangladesh
With this small series we want to examine current events in the global south for their historical dimension and not only ask ourselves whether we are in times of great upheaval, but rather where the changes are leading. To this end, we want to evaluate the victory of the Taliban and the associated defeat of the United States and its allies. Furthermore, we want to discuss the 11 day war of the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist colonial power and work out the consequences for both sides – the colonized and the colonizers – on the different levels in the spirit of Fanon. As a third round table, we turn our gaze to the bloody street protests in Bangladesh in spring 2021 and try to link local protests and their global dimension of imperial rule.Participants:Abdel Malik Ali –
Abdel Malik Ali is the Amir of Oakland Islamic Community Center. He has been active in the bay area as a Muslim organizer and amir for decades. He also teaches social studies at an Islamic school.
Hannibal Shakur –
Hannibal Shakur was one of the central organizers of the Oakland campaigns and protests that launched following the assassination of Oscar Grant by a BART police office in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day 2009. In 2011 and 2012 helped provide security for the Occupy Oakland main camp. In 2012, Hannibal (along with other brothers and sisters) organized the “Hoodie and Hijab March” in Oakland, California on the 11th anniversary of the War in Afghanistan. His interventions led to the founding of Qilombo, a community social center for Black self-reliance in West Oakland. In late 2014, Hannibal Shakur shifted towards working more specifically through an Islamic lens. Hannibal is a special contributor and researcher for Milestones.
Tanzeen R. Doha –
Tanzeen R. Doha is an anthropologist of Islam and secularism. As an anthropologist Tanzeen studies the impact of the localized War on Terror in Bangladesh —his home country—and collects data on the disappearance and killings of Islamic practitioners. In the U.S., over the course of the last 20 years, Tanzeen worked as an organizer to establish connections between anti-war, anti-capitalist, and anti-zionist struggles. Tanzeen is the founder and general editor of Milestones.
Roy Cherian –
Roy Cherian is a graduate student in Culture and Theory at University of California, Irvine. His research interrogates the relationship between secularism and antiblackness through the paradigm of the biomedical. His dissertation is on anatomy in the early modern period. Roy is a web consultant and researcher for Milestones.
Onlineveranstaltung via Zoom
Wann: Sonntag 16. Jänner 2022, 17:00