Parting Comments to the Faculty and Dean of Vienna University Dhoruba Bin-Wahad to the Chancellor Engl, University of Vienna,…

Dear Sir:

With my departure from Vienna, and despite the insular, arrogant, and reactionary manner in which you attempted to stifle, demonize, and degrade my scheduled talk at the University of Vienna, I am taking the opportunity your behavior provided to offer an ethical redemption for your egregious stifling of not only free speech, but also the racist degradation of the Black experience in the Western Hemisphere. I am willing to invite you and the University faculty to participate in a Public forum comprised of African-American Academicians, Imam, and faculty of your choosing to discuss the impact of Euro-centric globalization (New Age Imperialism) and “democratic fascism” (Right Wing empowerment) upon people of African Ancestry living in the West, particularly, the U.S. and EU. Were I permitted to speak on your campus these paradigms of political and economic organizations were the topic of my banned talk, not the pros and cons White Zionism. George Orwell, in his Novel 1984 commented that:“Those who control the present, control the past, and those who control the past, control the future.” History has amply illustrated that those in power are inclined to conceal their crimes by concealing their abuse and hypocrisy with secrecy, with propaganda, and by rewriting history – they alter the past in order to steal the future.One of the greatest weaknesses of my generation of Civil Rights leaders in the U.S. and their physical and ideological progeny who have now descended to center stage of White supremacy’s 200 year old experiment with selective institutional capitalist democracy (the United States of America and EU) is the failure to perceive that civil rights, voting rights, evanescent “ racial equal opportunity” are essentially meaningless without the capacity, ability, and options of sovereign thinking – freedom of expression – the ability to define social reality and power to transform it accordingly. Indeed, totalitarian power is based on political coercion and institutional control of the masses of people without functional freedom of speech.The Choice is yours, should you accept this invitation, then the recent rancor and mistrust which attended my scheduled talk at your university can have a beneficial result for all concerned.

Dhoruba al-Mujahid Bin-Wahad, Ghana, West Africa

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